Impact of Coronavirus on dialtune supply chain

Impact of Coronavirus on dialtune supply chain

dialtune has not been immune to the impact of Coronavirus on our manufacturing and supply chain. Orders we expected to deliver in April are now likely delayed until the end of May.

While our shells are made in the United States and our drums are lovingly hand assembled in Seattle, Washington, we source many of our custom metal components overseas. It's these components that we're waiting on to complete orders that have been received since our launch. We chose to manufacture outside of the US in an effort to keep our drums at a price point that is reasonable, while still reflecting the value of our technology and the high level of precision and engineering required to build them.

While there is no good time to have inventory stuck overseas, we understand this slowdown is affecting global trade and that our supply chain is a small piece of that. Since launching in January, we've been overwhelmed by the excitement and growing demand for dialtune. Seeing orders come in and knowing that we are at least a month or two from fulfillment is frustrating. We are working as quickly as we can given the circumstances. Building something from nothing is difficult.  And we are blessed to have an understanding and supportive community. 

Our commitment to you is communication.  We want nothing more than to get our technology in the hands of drummers like you. Over the next four weeks, we will be sharing updates on our supply chain as we make progress.

Thank you for your continued patience and support. 

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